· LIA 园匠杯国际竞赛(简称“园匠杯”)是由景观行业知名平台园景人主办,是行业内首个由国际大咖+知名专家+甲方团队组成评审团 ;IFLA杰弗里·杰里科爵士奖获得者、IFLA主席、ASLA评审团成员助阵评委会的重要景观奖项。大赛以"园景之美 匠心营造"为使命,发掘独具匠心的景观作品,致敬大国工匠精神。引领行业风向标,助力景观发展。
· 继2022年07月第四届LIA园匠杯国际竞赛最终获奖榜单揭晓,入围率仅34%,获得金奖占比仅4.1%含金量极高,是业内备受认可的景观奖项。
· 本次第五届园匠杯评选依然分初评与终评评选,其中初评由各大区域公司景观负责人或者景观经理组成评审团,终评评审团由行业内国际顶级大咖+知名专家+知名地产公司设计总或者景观负责人组成的专业评审团,亲自投票。
· 本次初审中组委会各区域甲方景观专业人士,秉承"公平、公正、公开、专业"的评选原则,考量了参评项目的设计、人文、艺术、生态、落地效果等多维度进行综合评审,最终入围榜单如下!
· The LIA Landscape Ingenuity Award International Competition ("Landscape Ingenuity Award") is organized by the well-known platform of the Landscaper and is the first landscape award in the industry to be judged by a panel of international experts + renowned experts + Party A's teams; IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Award winner, IFLA chairman, and ASLA jury members. With the mission of "the beauty of the landscape, the ingenuity of the design and build", the competition will discover unique landscape works and pay tribute to the artisan spirit of the great nation. It will lead the industry vane and help the development of landscape.
· Following the announcement of the final winners of the 4th LIA Landscape Ingenuity Award International Competition in July 2022, the finalist rate was only 34%, and only 4.1% of the entries won the Gold Award, which is a highly recognized landscape award in the industry.
· More and more landscape practitioners have inquired about the registration time for the next competition, and after intense preparations, the 5th LIA Landscape Ingenuity Award International Competition officially launched its registration.
· The fifth Landscape Ingenuity Award selection is still divided into preliminary and final evaluation of the selectio. The preliminary evaluation is composed of the major regional companies or landscape managers to form a jury and the final jury is composed of the industry's top international experts + well-known experts + famous real estate companies or landscape design chief of the professional jury. And they personally vote.
· The preliminary review of the organizing committee of the regional A landscape professionals, adhering to the "fair, just, open, professional" principle of selection and taking into account the design, humanities, art, ecology, completion effect and other dimensions of the participating projects for a comprehensive review. The final shortlist is as follows!
· 注:人物奖及公司奖最终获奖以终审结果为准,非入围即获奖。
· Note: The final award of the People Award and the Company Award are subject to the final judging results, and are not finalists for the award.
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The 5th LIA Landscape Ingenuity Award International competition